Mon, Mar 10, 2025

All Must Read, Traders Mind Voice (problems of Traders and the Expert)
5 mins well spent

All Traders must read the below Questions and Answers to Change your life of trading….

1) I am trading forex for few months, But I really don’t know what’s going on in the market, I’m just simply placing Buy and sell orders in the market and making some profits as well as loss.

Solution : First You should Learn about the market completely, then you can Earn from market easier. Right Forex Education is the only tool, that helps you to make consistent profits.

2) If market goes positive immediately on my trade, I feel very happy at that time. But if market goes opposite after I place my order, I feel so sad and I pray to god for closing my order in positive profits.

Solution : You are trading with Expectations always. Forex Market is not a Share Market to react depend on Single Company Decisions. Forex Market Movements are controlled by Millions of Peoples Mindset and Big Market Participant Decisions. You need to learn and analyse the market very well. Your Analysis is only going to pay you the consistent profits.

3) After I place new order, market goes negative more(opposite more), I feel someone is cheating me by moving the market against me and making me loss.

Answer : Market have only 2 ways to move. Either UP (or) DOWN. If you think market is going against you always, it will happen only due to some reasons:

  • You are the Only person who’s responsible for your profits and losses. If you took decisions Wrong always, or you don’t have good trading habits. You feel market against you always.
  • Your Broker tries to move the market against you to hit your stop loss and then starts to move on your profit direction.

4) If I place small lot, I can make some good profits, but when I use big lot, I fear more and I’m making big profits and also making big losses with panic emotion. What I need to do for making only profits mostly ?

Answer : The Top reasons for loss is :

1) You don’t follow proper money management on your trading account.

2) You are trading with Greediness.

3) You are trying to show your profits to others. Just to prove yourself, that you are a smart trader.

5) I love to trade the news events, because I made $$$$ profit in 10 minutes on that news day, So I want to make more profits quicker by trading news. But I am not able to make profit same like before and I am making more loss sometimes on the news. How can I make profit always on news ?

Answer : If you want to make profits on news trading, You need to learn about the particular news events in detail and you should have a proper news trading strategy with good winning ratio. Don’t Dream on your Past Profits.

6) My forex friend makes his 500$ account to 5000$ in 2 months, He showed me a proof, So, I gave him same 500$ account, but he lossed all my money. I don’t know what’s happened to him. He says different reasons for my 500$ loss. I don’t understand him. What I need to do ?

You should have to learn and trade forex by your own (or) you can find a good trader who can help you to make consistent profits with good guidance.

7) Why I can’t trade successfully ? I am making some profits and growing my account, then lossing again. I am very tired of making money and losing money on my account. But I’m seriously interested to know, how I can make money consistently to become a successful trader ?

Answer : You still not learn completely about the forex market and traders psychology, that’s the reason for your loss. Please change it by learning forex from experts.

8) After I making good profits, I’m very happy and I will say to my family, friends about my profits achievement, But If I make some loss, I feel very sad and worried about my loss always. I become frustrating and start to think about recovering my loss faster.

Answer : You are very Proud to show your profits outside, but you can’t show your losses to others.

Don’t Show any of your profits and losses to others. If you get profit, be happy by yourself. Don’t expose it to others. If you get loss, don’t be sad. Just think about what mistake you made and please accept your mistakes. NOTE : Accepting your Own Mistakes will make you to go for next level in forex trading.

9) What I need to do after I making good profit on my trading account ?

Answer : Please withdraw your profit, and spend that profits on your favourable way. keep enjoying your life worthable with the profit money.

10) What I need to do after I making big loss on my trading account ?

Answer : Just check your loss trades, what mistake you have done ? After you find the mistake. Please accept that Mistake was done by you, Don’t blame the market movements. Avoid revenge trading.

11) What I need to do if I’m making loss continuosly ?

Answer : If you are losing continuos, then please spend time more on analysing the market, Stop trading. Analyse more, trade less. Don’t do a revenge trading.

12) How can I trust the forex market and get confidence on making good profits ?

Good Question, well most of the traders feel one day “Forex is not good for us, or it’s not a real business for making money”. You can change this Negative thoughts, by learning the forex from the Experts and just copy their Activities to make yourself an expert trader soon.

13) I am trading forex for a long time, To be Frank, In my Overall performance Result, I’m still in Loss, I know my mistakes very well Such as wrong money management, not patience, more patience in loss and less patience in profit. But, I can’t correct my mistakes. I don’t know why ?

What do the Successful Traders do ? What’s their Secret for making Consistent Profits ?

Answer : Successful Traders Spend 90% of Trading hours on Analysis and Spend Only 10% of time for taking a trades.

Secret for Traders Success : ***TRADE LESS***ANALYSE MORE***

14) I’m Looking to make big profits with small account ! How is it possible ?

You can make big profits with small account is possible only through the Learning of Correct Forex Strategies.There are lot of forex trading informations on internet like a Garbage, But if you keep searching and learning all the things about forex on internet, Then you will not become a Successful Trader easier. You should have to learn Forex Trading from the Correct Experts who can teach you Open minded without any Ego, selfishness.

Check live Free forex signals now.

To increase your trading profits, read this below topics:

Forex Trading Complete Guide

How to trade profitably using Chart Patterns?

Low risk, High reward trading strategies

How to get rich trading forex market?

Best Forex Brokers

Most predictable Currency Markets

If you want to learn more successful trading techniques with free mentorship support, you can purchase the forex trading video course.

Thank you.

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